
Thursday, 24 July 2014

iNavCalc and Bulldog-Weight-and-Balance for Fire Phone

Delighted to announce that my free apps iNavCalc and Bulldog-Weight-and-Balance have just been approved by Amazon for their newly announced Kindle Fire Phone, giving you even more choice of platforms

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Get METARs and TAFs nearest to me or anywhere!

How often do you find yourself wondering what the aviation weather reports (METARs and TAFs)  look like nearest to your current location ? Or nearest to any other location you happen to be interested in ?

Really-Simple-Moving-Map (RSMM) gives you the answer to both with one click. Simply click on the RSMM map at either your current location or anywhere else (in the world!). The popup window contains, amongst other things, METAR & TAF briefings for the nearest reporting stations, ordered by closest first. You can adjust (via Options->Info on Marker Popups) the number of stations to report and whether or not to include decoded as well as raw briefings.

A detailed RSMM Users' Guide can be found here.

[Note: to enable the METAR & TAF functionality, you need to be a registered user. Registration is FREE].