
Tuesday, 18 April 2017

FlyLogical Apps Update

What's New ?

In a nutshell, the following changes have recently been rolled-out to the FlyLogical suite of  web- and mobile- apps:

Really Simple Moving Map

  • A mobile version of the web-app has now been published. There is a nominal fee for the app, and it is available on iOS and Android
  • the Really Simple Moving Map web-app is still active and free


Looking at the usage patterns over the past few years, it has become clear that the iNavCalc web app and mobile app interfaces are much more popular than the email and Twitter apps. As such:

  • the iNavCalc mobile app has been completely rewritten and streamlined, removing all under-utilized features, retaining only the core command-line-based VFR Nav Planning functionality, and extending to Windows 10 (Universal Windows Platform) in addition to iOS and Android. The app is still free, and no longer requires you to have a FlyLogical account (though you have the option to utilize your FlyLogical account, enabling access to your library of personal waypoints when creating routes).
  • the iNavCalc email- and Twitter- apps & services have been discontinued (due to under-utilization)
  • the iNavCalc web-app is still active, free, and widely used.

Just MET

From the usage patterns, there is a clear demand for a simple METAR & TAF service, without all the additional information produced by iNavCalc. In response, the Just MET mobile app has been published. It "does what it says on the tin", providing an uncluttered interface for obtaining just METAR and TAF briefings for a specified list of airfields (ICAO codes). There is a nominal fee for the app, and it is available on iOS, Android, and Windows 10 (UWP).


Likewise, from the usage patterns, there is a clear demand for a simple NOTAM service. In response, the Just NOTAMS mobile app has been published. It "does what it says on the tin", providing an uncluttered interface for obtaining just NOTAM briefings for a specified list of airfields (ICAO codes). There is a nominal fee for the app, and it is available on iOS, Android, and Windows 10 (UWP).

Get the Apps

Click here for more information on each app, and for links to the respective iOS, Android, and Windows App Store pages. 

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