Updated: 11 April 2015 to include a simple web-app wrapper
The iNavCalc Twitter "App" as such runs in the background on the FlyLogical servers. As a Twitter user, all you need to do to access the functionality is follow these instructions:
- Follow @FlyLogical on Twitter. Note: this is not a strict requirement. Non-followers can also use the system. However, followers will be given priority over non-followers. Moreover, in times of high system load, requests from non-followers may be ignored without any notification. So if you expect to use the system routinely, better to follow.
- Depending on whether you wish to obtain a METAR & TAF briefing, obtain a NOTAMS briefing, or create a flight route, do one of the following:
Obtaining a METAR & TAF briefing via Twitter
- Send a tweet containing the following elements: the #met hashtag, followed by a list of ICAO identifiers (space-separated) for which you wish to obtain the briefing, followed by @FlyLogical (which triggers the FlyLogical servers to process the request). For example, to obtain a briefing for KLAX and KSFO, send the following tweet from your Twitter account:
#met KLAX KSFO @FlyLogical
- A few moments later you will receive a tweet mention back from @FlyLogical containing a link via which you can view your MET briefing. The link will remain active for 24 hours, after which it will expire.
Obtaining a NOTAMS briefing via Twitter
- Send a tweet containing the following elements: the #notams hashtag, followed by a list of ICAO identifiers (space-separated) for which you wish to obtain the briefing, followed by @FlyLogical (which triggers the FlyLogical servers to process the request). For example, to obtain a briefing for KLAX and KSFO, send the following tweet from your Twitter account:
#notams KLAX KSFO @FlyLogical
- A few moments later you will receive a tweet mention back from @FlyLogical containing a link via which you can view your NOTAMS briefing. The link will remain active for 24 hours, after which it will expire.
Creating a route via Twitter
- Send a tweet containing the following elements: the #route hashtag, followed by a list of waypoints (space-separated) specifying the route in accordance with the iNavCalc command-string protocol (can be a simple space-separated list of airfields, or a complex set of derived waypoints, see this detailed worked example), followed by @FlyLogical (which triggers the FlyLogical servers to process the request). For example, to create a simple direct route from KLAX to KSFO, send the following tweet from your Twitter account:
#route KLAX KSFO @FlyLogical
- A few moments later you will receive a tweet mention back from @FlyLogical containing a link via which you can view your route via the iNavCalc #ROUTEVIEW Google Maps interface.The link will remain active without expiring. From the #ROUTEVIEW page, you can request a full suite of navigation calculations (PLOG, MET, NOTAMS, NAVCOM frequencies) plus ".gpx" and ".fpl" files (for importing to other software and/or avionics devices) delivered by email.
That's it !
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