I'm pleased to announce that I have recently hooked-up with openAIP.net to provide weekly automated updates to the iNavCalc airport COMMS FREQUENCIES database.
openAIP.net is a free, crowd-sourced resource for global aviation data. I encourage you to register and start contributing.
I was first put on to openAIP.net a couple of months ago by a FlyLogical user who suggested it might be a useful resource to incorporate into iNavCalc. I wholeheartedly agree, not least since the "official" bodies don't seem to be able to provide such (see my previous rant on the subject), and because the openAIP.net team make it straightforward to consume their global data, from a "machine-to-machine" perspective.
For now, I have only implemented global airport COMMS FREQUENCY automated updates. In future, I will extend to NAVAIDS. Also, the "machine-to-machine" updates lag the openAIP.net website by a number of days, so do not expect to find openAIP.net website updates propagated immediately to iNavCalc. Instead, you will have to wait a week or so for the catchup to occur.
Many thanks to openAIP.net for providing this resource.